Ideal Conductivity
Silicon is a naturally occurring element in the earth’s crust. Its conductivity properties make it an ideal semiconducting material, and it is the primary material used in semiconductor wafers up to 300 mm in diameter.
The polycrystalline silicon in SiFusion is elemental silicon in a non-oriented crystalline form.
Physical Properties of Silicon
Identification | Silicon |
Symbol | Si |
State (std. cond.) | Solid |
Atomic | 28.086 |
Melting point, °C | 1,414 |
Boiling point, °C | 2,878 |
Critical temperature, °C | 4,886 |
Critical pressure, atm | 530 |
Critical volume, cm3/gmol | 232.6 |
Critical density, g/cm3 | 0.1207 |
Vapor pressure, mm Hg | 2.8(10-4) (at m.p.) |
Heat of vaporization, cal/g | 3,812 (at m.p.) |
Heat of sublimation, cal/g | 4,705 (at m.p.) |
Heat of fusion, cal/g | 264 (at m.p.) |
Liquid heat cap., cal/g mol °C | 6.755 (at m.p.) |
Solid heat cap., cal/g mol °C | 4.78 (at 25°C) |
Solid heat Cap., JKg/m mol (at 25°C) | 703 |
Liquid density | 2.533 (at m.p.) |
Solid density | 2.329 (at |
Percent expansion on freezing | 10% (at m.p.) |
Surface T | 736 (at m.p.) |
Liquid viscosity | 0.88 (at m.p.) |
Liquid thermal cond., cal/sec cm°C | 1.025 (10-3) (at m.p.) |
Solid thermal cond., cal/sec cm°C | 0.353 (at |
Solid thermal cond., W/m | 163 |
Hardness, knops Kg/mm | 1150 |
Hardness, mobs | 7 |
Bulk modules, dyne/cm2 | 9.8 (1011) |
Bulk modules, Gpa | 102 |
Young modulus, dyne/cm2 | 1.3 (1012) |
Young modulus, Gpa | 131 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion m/°C | 2.6 (10-6) |
Specific heat, cal/g °C | 0.18 |
Atomic density, atom cm2 | 4.96 (1022) |
Refractive index, 4u | 3.4255 |
dn/dt °C | 1.6 (10-4) |
Percent transmission uncoated, 4u | 53.8 |
Transmission range, u | 1.2-7 & 45-100 |
Dielectric | 11.8 |
Elastic constant, C11 dyne/cm2 | 1.656 (1012) |
Elastic constant, C12 dyne/cm2 | 0.639 (1012) |
Elastic constant, C14 dyne/cm2 | 0.795 (1012) |
Rupture modules, bending, kg/cm2 | 700-3,500 |
Breaking strength, compression kg/cm2 | 4,900-5,600 |
Breaking strength, compression Mpa | 120 |
Poisson ratio | 0.28 |
Additional resources for Silicon Science:
SiFusion furnaceware is clean to <1.0 E10 / cm2 for all trace metals.
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