Amorphous Silicon Deposition

In addition to LPCVD and high temperature processes, SiFusion furnaceware is ideally suited to other furnace processes like amorphous silicon deposition.

SiFusion’s ionically pure material does not add particles in the amorphous silicon deposition, allowing the active layer to meet the strict criteria for thin-film transistors.

Wafers are easily contaminated by furnace fixtures’ corrosion and deformation during heating. SiFusion furnaceware can withstand thermal shock at temperatures far above those experienced by IC wafers. Its surface treatment diffuses stress to prevent flaking, maintaining a clean environment around the wafer.

SiFusion Data Shows It Has Reduced Particles for the Typical Customer 30 to 50 Percent, With the Most Reduction in the "Largest Particle" Category, the Particles That are Most Likely to Cause Shorts.

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