Pure Polysilicon Offers A Significant Competitive Advantage

Put head-to-head with silicon carbide and quartz, poly silicon’s physical characteristics create a significant competitive advantage in the furnace environment.

For example, the identical Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) between a silicon wafer and a SiFusion poly silicon fixture eliminates backside wafer scratching and damage. The SiFusion patented poly silicon high-temperature furnaceware also reduces fixture-related slip, eliminates wafer pinching, and allows for increased ramp rates and decreased stabilization times.

General Strength Comparison

Material Specific stiffness
Ratio v
Knoop hardness
Thermal shock
Figure of Merit
SiC CVD 145 0.21 600 2540 110
SiO 30.3 0.17 110 460 4.8
Silicon 56.2 0.28 120 1150 41

The Thermal Conductivity of Silicon is Almost 100 Times Greater Than That of Quartz.”

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