Clean Structural Elements from Poly Silicon

SiFusion is patented technology used to fabricate and assemble a complete line of clean structural elements from poly silicon. The ability to create and build these technologically demanding, ultra-clean and long-lived assemblies distinguishes SiFusion as one-of-a-kind in its field.

Three innovations are at the core of SiFusion:

  • Creating poly silicon structural elements
  • Fusing ultra-pure poly silicon elements
  • Managing film stress with surface treatment

The Advantage of SiFusion Technology

SiFusion technology overcomes the yield, cost and environmental barriers associated with traditional quartz and silicon carbide consumables. With SiFusion, fabs can meet the increased semiconductor thermal processing demands for ever-shrinking device critical dimensions.

Overcoming Limitations of Traditional Furnace Consumables

The materials traditionally used to construct furnace consumables quartz and silicon carbide are the source of much of a wafer’s defects and contamination.

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The Science of Silicon

Using the same material as the wafer itself, SiFusion’s pure poly silicon is intrinsically the ideal material for use in semiconductor thermal processes, enabling unparalleled results.

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SiFusion Manufacturing

At the core of the SiFusion technology are the manufacturing techniques that allow the poly silicon material to be shaped and bonded into useful fixtures for wafer fabrication.

China Advanced Ceramic continues to research the fundamental science behind the SiFusion technology to develop methodology that will further enhance furnaceware reliability and process efficiency.

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