SiFusion Technology Sets a New Cost-Performance Standard for Furnaceware Used by Semiconductor Manufacturers

Furnace processes, including high-temperature diffusion and LPCVD deposition, comprise up to 30 percent of the major process steps in wafer manufacturing. Consequently, cost improvements that spread across each of those processes add up to significant savings for the fab.

No Cleaning, Lasting Longer, Saving Money

SiFusion furnaceware has a longer life cycle, reduces furnace downtime and eliminates cleaning achieving significant cost of ownership advantages. In high-temperature applications, SiFusion product life can extend beyond four years.

Whether the process is high-temperature or LPCVD, the cost of ownership of SiFusion’s poly silicon products is less than silicon carbide and significantly less than quartz.

Factors affecting furnaceware’s total cost of ownership:

  • Production utilization rates
  • Annual cleaning costs
  • Annual component consumption
  • Annual breakage risk

An independent quantitative analysis concluded that for the silicon nitride process, SiFusion furnaceware performed better that the quartz and silicon carbide consumables for each of the above factors.

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