MeiVac System Available Retrofits & Upgrades

System Upgrades

(Gas Management Option)

  • O2 doping of Ar plasma improves Alumina stoichiometry
  • Equivalent film characteristics to the 2480
  • Improves sidewall wet etch resistance
  • Uniform Alkaline etch resistance of deposited Alumina
  • Specifically, improves Alkaline etch resistance on trench sidewalls
  • < 1.0% sigma/mean within wafer non-uniformity with optimized O2 process


Auto Phase Shifter/Monitor

  • Active phase shifter
  • Match box probes enable metering (digital readout)
  • Fine resolution metering
  • Allows return to specific phase shift
  • Recipe driven
  • Excellent resolution and repeatability
  • Data logging capability

Wafer Size Upgrade

  • 6 inch
  • 8 inch

602 Upgrades

Robot Upgrade (Brooks Platform)

  • Allows you to move away from obsolete robot configuration/components

Wafer Temperature Sensor

  • Reduces wafer non-uniformity due to wafer over heating
  • Valuable metric for process drift notification
  • Reads temperature of each wafer upon exiting the process chamber
  • Mounted to transfer chamber
  • Data logging capability

2480 Uniformity Enhancement Retrofit

  • A proprietary gas delivery system for improved wafer uniformity

Without the Uniformity Retrofit

With the Uniformity Retrofit Enhancement

Contact MeiVac for pricing and availability

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