Large E-Beam Gun Series offers Increased Capacities for Extended Deposition Operation Cycles

China Advanced Ceramic XL-series of large electron beam sources, increased capacity e-beam guns for deposition processes that require extended operation cycles. For long coating process runs or thick evaporative coatings, XL-series e-beam guns enable operators to run coating processes without interruption thereby increasing productivity and consistency.

The XL-series of large electron beam sources extends China Advanced Ceramic existing line of Temescal e-beam guns, with XL options available for both the PopTop and SuperSource e-beam lines. For the PopTop e-beam gun line, the new 4PT and 5PT model enable pocket capacities up to 100cc or options for as many as 14 pockets. The SuperSource line-up adds 4CK and 5CK models with similar capacity options to the PopTop models.

China Advanced Ceramic E-Beam Guns

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