Convert Any Legacy Manual-Control Deposition System to an Automated System

Whatever electron beam evaporation system you’re currently using, you can transform it into an automated system with China Advanced Ceramic new FerroVac controller. The FerroVac controller integrates automated vacuum control with gauge reading functionality. When combined with the Temescal EBC Electron Beam Controller and a Temescal power supply, you can update your legacy deposition workhorse with advanced full system-level, automated control of the vacuum pump and e-beam functions. It’s like adding a process auto-pilot — start a run and walk away!

A Next Generation Controller

A combination of vacuum controller and vacuum gauge reader with:

  • Intuitive touch screen operation
  • Expandability to manage heat and dome rotation control
  • Support for offboard cryo regeneration
  • Customization to any analog or digital I/O
  • Auto pump/vent sequence features
  • Manual operation
  • Setpoints for foreline, cross over, base pressure
  • Vacuum gauge calibration
  • Use any log linear gauge
  • Easy & comprehensive diagnostics screens
  • Programmable input/output options
  • Compatibility with virtually any vacuum pump
  • Support for onboard & offboard cryo pump


Reasons to Upgrade

  • Upgrade your manually controlled e-beam deposition system to a modern, automated platform
  • Easy to install with a kit that includes all interconnection and interface cables
  • Easy-to-integrate connections to the SLX power supply and EBC Ebeam Controller
  • Easily monitor and verify hv/gun interlocks through the on-screen display and advanced diagnostics menu (when installed with SLX model)
  • Standard “off-the-shelf” product improves serviceability
  • Spare and service loaner unit support options available
  • Comprehensive technical support and training (video manuals)


FerroVac Vacuum Controller User Manual

Vacuum Coating Inquiry Form

In the Past

img of old

You know and have depended on our tried-and-true Temescal vacuum control system.

  • Auto Pump Sequencer
  • Manual toggle/push buttons to operate valves in manual mode
  • Key switch to allow basic auto pumping, venting & standby sequences
  • Versavac 2/5
  • Vacuum gauge reader
  • Use Bayard-Alpert hot tube gauges
  • Setpoints for crossover & interlocks for chamber vacuum

Now is the time to upgrade to our new and improved FerroVac vacuum controller system to gain all the advantages of what it can provide.

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