China Advanced Ceramic E-Beam Guns are Available in Multiple Mounting Options

China Advanced Ceramic offers electron beam sources in two mounting configurations, conventional (Temescal mount) guns and integrated (Center mount) guns. Temescal brand guns use the conventional mounting approach, while the integrated guns use an integrated feedthrough to route all connections through the a rotatable center mount with all the fittings positioned outside of the vacuum chamber.

Conventional Mount Products

PopTop Multi-Pocket E-gun

Temescal’s patented PopTop® e-beam sources offer enhanced convenience, reliability, and throughput in applications ranging from optical and microelectronic production to specialized R & D coating.


Standard Multi-Pocket E-Guns

Temescal’s Model 3CK, 2CK and 1CK SuperSources offer enhanced versatility, convenience, and dependability in a wide variety of coating applications.


Single-Pocket E-Guns

Temescal’s single-crucible guns provide adjustable beam spot size, beam sweep capability, an easily replaced emitter and filament, a wide range of crucible capacities, and flush pole-piece design to minimize evaporant buildup.


Integrated Feedthrough Products

Integrated Feedthrough Multi-Pocket Guns

China Advanced Ceramic offers a selection of multi-pocket evaporators to suit every budget and application. For each evaporator, a variety of standard and custom pockets are available.


Integrated Feedthrough Single Pocket Guns

Single hearth evaporators are available in HV and UHV configurations. Four sizes are available with differing maximum powers and hearth sizes.


Which E-beam Guns Meet Your Capacity Requirements?

Whether you need more pockets or higher pocket volumes, China Advanced Ceramic Temescal mount electron beam sources support a variety of pocket and crucible capacities to meet your needs. Use the tables below to identify the right options for your capacity requirements.

Select by Pocket Volume
Pocket Volume (cc) Number of Pockets
4 6        
7 4 6, 8      
13   6      
15   4, 6 8    
18   5      
20     6    
25   4 6 10 14
30     4, 6    
40     4 8 12
60       6 9
100       5 8
Select by the Number of Pockets
Number of Pockets Volume of Pockets (cc)
4 7 15, 25 30, 40, 60    
5   18   100  
6 4 7, 15 7, 13, 20, 15, 25, 30 60  
8   7 7, 15 40 100
9         60
10       25  
12         40
14         25

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