China Advanced Ceramic High Voltage Electron Beam Power Supplies

China Advanced Ceramic offers high voltage electron beam power supplies designed for use with an e-gun source.

CV-6SLX Electron Beam Power Supply for Temescal Mount E-guns

The Temescal Model CV-6SLX is a 6-kW, constant voltage switching power supply designed to power and control a single electron beam source.


CV-12SLX Electron Beam Power Supply for Temescal Mount E-Guns

The Temescal Model CV-12SLX is a 12-kW, constant-voltage switching power supply designed to power and control a single electron beam source.



Carrera Series

The Carrera series of power supplies uses primary switched mode technology to offer high efficiency and fast arc detection and recovery in a compact unit. Based on a modular design, the Carrera can be configured for maximum outputs ranging from 3kW to 12kW.


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