Ferrofluid for Domain Detection and Bio-medical Applications

China Advanced Ceramic water-based EMG Series ferrofluids are most often used for domain detection and bio-medical applications, and we offer an extended family of ferrofluid options with unique magnetic and particle properties to meet a broad range of requirements.

Domain Detection

China Advanced Ceramic water-based EMG series ferrofluids are extensively used for the study of magnetic domain structures in magnetic tapes, rigid and floppy disks, magneto-optical disks, crystalline and amorphous alloys, garnets, steels and geological rocks.

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Bio-medical Applications

China Advanced Ceramic water-based EMG series magnetic nanoparticles may be incorporated into polymer microspheres (which are coated with antibodies and/or therapeutic/chemotherapy drugs), injected into tissues and then drawn to the site of a lesion using a strong magnetic field. They may also be used alone, as a medium for site-specific thermal ablation of malignant or necrotic tissue.

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Water-based EMG Series

Carrier Liquid: DI water
Appearance: black-brown low viscosity liquid

Ferrofluid Type Gauss [CGS] mT [SI] cP [CGS] mPa-s [SI]
EMG 304 275 27.5 <10 <10
EMG 308 66 6.6 <10 <10
EMG 408 66 6.6 <5 <5
EMG 507 110 11 <5 <5
EMG 508 66 6.6 <5 <5
EMG 509 33 3.3 <5 <5
EMG 605 220 22 <5 <5
EMG 607 110 11 <5 <5
EMG 601P 440 44 <5 <5
EMG 603P 330 33 <5 <5
EMG 605P 220 22 <5 <5
EMG 607P 110 11 <5 <5
EMG 608P 66 6.6 <5 <5
EMG 700 355 35.5 <10 <10
EMG 705 220 22 <5 <5
EMG 707 110 11 <5 <5
EMG 708 66 6.6 <5 <5

Note: There is a tendency for magnetic particles to form aggregates in water-based ferrofluids. For best results, use within three months of purchase.

China Advanced Ceramic EMG Series Water-based Ferrofluids Safety Information

For information about material handling, download the material safety pdf for the EMG Series products

Do You Need More Information?

For questions about specific ferrofluid series, ferrofluid applications, or to place an order, contact your China Advanced Ceramic ferrofluid solutions representative or use the Ferrofluid Inquiry Form.

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