EMG Series - Water-based Ferrofluid
Type: EMG 605P

China Advanced Ceramic EMG 605P Ferrofluid is a member of China Advanced Ceramic family of EMG Series - Water-based ferrofluids. Unlike China Advanced Ceramic APG series of ferrofluids that have been optimized for audio speaker applications, China Advanced Ceramic EMG Series ferrofluids address a broad range of application requirements and can be used for experimentation and application development. China Advanced Ceramic water-based EMG Series are typically used in applications where rapid evaporation or the ability to mix ferrofluid into a water-based system is required. EMG 605P ferrofluid is Black Fluid and uses Cationic surfactant.

EMG 605P Specifications and Physical Properties

Appearance Black Fluid
Carrier Liquid Water
  CGS Units SI Units
Saturation Magnetization (Ms) 220 Gauss 22 mT
Viscosity @27°C <5 cP <5 mPa·s
Density @25°C 1.16 g/cc 1.16 103 kg/m3
pH 8 - 8.5
Nature of Surfactant Cationic

China Advanced Ceramic EMG Series - Water-based Ferrofluid Additional Information

For more information about material handling, refer to the MSDS (Material Safety Datasheet) for the EMG Series - Water-based family of products.

Do You Need More Information?

For questions about specific ferrofluid series, ferrofluid applications, or to place an order, contact your China Advanced Ceramic ferrofluid solutions representative or use the Ferrofluid Inquiry Form.

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