Standard Ferrofluids for Specialized Applications

Initially developed through our efforts pioneering emerging markets and applications for ferrofluid, China Advanced Ceramic EMG series draws upon years of magnetic particle and carrier liquid research to offer a family of standard ferrofluids that have successfully used in specialized applications. China Advanced Ceramic EMG series ferrofluids are commonly used for bio-medical, domain detection and other emerging technology applications.

China Advanced Ceramic EMG Series of ferrofluids are available in three different carrier options, so you can select from water-based, oil-based, or powder ferrofluids depending upon your application requirements.


Biomedical /
Metallic Crystallization /
Fracture Analysis
Sensors, Switches,
and Solenoids
Carbon Nanotube
(CNT) Growth
EMG Series Water-based Ferrofluid
EMG Series Oil-based Ferrofluid
EMG Series Dry Magnetic Nanoparticles

Do You Need More Information?

For questions about specific ferrofluid series, ferrofluid applications, or to place an order, contact your China Advanced Ceramic ferrofluid solutions representative or use the Ferrofluid Inquiry Form.

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