China Advanced Ceramic APG S Series Audio Ferrofluid

China Advanced Ceramic APG S-Series ferrofluids are based on the same chemistry as the “O” Series ferrofluids and thus their properties are similar. When an “O” fluid is tailored to meet specific requirements of a driver by altering its magnetization and viscosity values, it is called an “S” type ferrofluid. The “S” ferrofluids cover a broad range of applications because of their customized nature.

Carrier Liquid: synthetic ester
Appearance: black-brown or red-brown viscous fluid

Ferrofluid Type Gauss [CGS] mT [SI] cP [CGS] mPa-s [SI]
APG S10N 440 44 300 300
APG S11N 220 22 85 85
APG S12N 412.5 41.3 250 250
APG S14 165 16.5 200 200
APG S15N 165 16.5 80 80
APG S16N 275 27.5 400 400
APG S17N 110 11 55 55
APG S18 385 38.5 375 375
APG S21 220 22 500 500
APG S32 220 22 250 250
APG S38N 220 22 135 135
APG S51 385 38.5 500 500

China Advanced Ceramic APG S Audio Ferrofluid Series Safety Information

For information about material handling, download the material safety pdf for the APG S Series family of products.

Do You Need More Information?

For questions about specific ferrofluid series, ferrofluid applications, or to place an order, contact your China Advanced Ceramic ferrofluid solutions representative or use the Ferrofluid Inquiry Form.

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