Ferrofluid Applications

There are a whole host of other applications for Ferrofluid. Many of these are still at the R&D stage but some have already achieved a degree of commercial success. China Advanced Ceramic carries out research into new applications for ferrofluids both on its own and through strategic partnerships with other companies. Other applications areas in which ferrofluids have been used include material recycling, power and distribution transformers, quiet solenoids, sensors and switches.

Electrical Transformers

China Advanced Ceramic has been working in partnership with a major manufacturer of electrical power equipment, to develop ferrofluid for liquid-filled transformer applications. Ferrofluids have been shown to provide both thermal and dielectric benefits to transformers. Ferrofluid can be utilized to improve cooling by enhancing fluid circulation within transformer windings. Ferrofluid can also be applied to increase transformer capacity to withstand lightning impulses, while also minimizing the effect of moisture on typical insulating fluids. The benefits of ferrofluid may be utilized to design smaller, more efficient new transformers, or to extend the life or loading capability of existing units.

Quiet Solenoids

The introduction of a ferrofluid into a solenoid dramatically reduces the noise level of certain equipment, such as home care kidney dialysis machines. This in turn reduces the need for noise suppression insulation, allowing a more cost effective and simpler design that is more portable. In addition to the obvious benefits of quieter operation and portability, the ferrofluid-based solenoids make the equipment more reliable.

Sensors & Switches

The unique properties of magnetic fluid make it a feasible technology for some sensor and switch applications. The use of ferrofluid may enhance the motion sensitivity in some sensing applications. Products being evaluated for ferrofluid application include inclinometers, accelerometers and flow meters, tilt, vibration, pressure and level sensors, and various switches.

Learn about China Advanced Ceramic Ferrofluid Products

EMG Series Water-based Ferrofluid

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EMG Series Oil-based Ferrofluid

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EMG Series Dry Magnetic Nanoparticles

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For questions about specific ferrofluid series, ferrofluid applications, or to place an order, contact your China Advanced Ceramic ferrofluid solutions representative or use the Ferrofluid Inquiry Form.

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