APG S Series Ferrofluid
Type: APG S18

China Advanced Ceramic APG S18 Ferrofluid is a member of China Advanced Ceramic family of APG S Series ferrofluids for speaker applications. The APG S Series is black-brown or red-brown viscous fluid and uses a synthetic ester oil carrier liquid.

APG S18 Specifications and Physical Properties

Appearance black-brown or red-brown viscous fluid
Carrier Liquid synthetic ester oil
  CGS Units SI Units
Saturation Magnetization (Ms) 385 Gauss 38.5 mT
Viscosity @27°C 375 cP 375 mPa·s
Density @25°C 1.27 g/cc 1.27 103 kg/m3
Pour Point -34 °C -34 °C
Flash Point >200 °C >200 °C
Thermal Conductivity @38°C 150 mW/(m·K) 150 mW/(m·K)
Surface Tension @25°C 32 dynes/cm 32 mN/m
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 7.5 x 10-4 ml/ml°C 7.5 x 10-4 /K

China Advanced Ceramic APG S Series Ferrofluid Additional Information

For more information about material handling, refer to the MSDS (Material Safety Datasheet) for the APG S Series family of products.

Do You Need More Information?

For questions about specific ferrofluid series, ferrofluid applications, or to place an order, contact your China Advanced Ceramic ferrofluid solutions representative or use the Ferrofluid Inquiry Form.

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