Privacy Policy

  1. China Advanced Ceramic, Inc. (the “Company”) will handle the personal information it obtains from customers who have made inquiries through the contact form on this website or via email and from people who have made inquiries about careers with the Company (together, “Users”) in accordance with this Personal Information Protection Policy.
  2. The Company will endeavor not to harm Users’ rights and interests in the course of acquiring, holding, using, or disclosing their personal information.
  3. In the normal course, Users may visit the Company’s website without disclosing any personal information, and no User personal information is collected if a User merely accesses the site for reference.
  4. The company endeavors to prevent any leak or loss of, or damage or unauthorized access to, User personal information by taking appropriate security measures for the User personal information it acquires.
  5. The Company uses User personal information only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes specified in each of the following items.
    • To perform contracts entered into between the User and the Company.
    • To send Users notices relating to events and the like.
    • To provide employment-related information to Users who have responded to or inquired about Company recruitment activities, and to contact such Users in connection with Company employment activities.
  6. The Company will not provide User personal information to third parties without obtaining the prior consent of the User. However, the Company may provide User personal information to third parties without obtaining such prior User consent in each of the following cases.
    • Pursuant to laws and regulations.
    • When necessary to protect human life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain User consent.
    • When necessary to cooperate with a government body, local authority, or a person entrusted by them, to enable their performance of tasks provided under law, and where there is a risk that obtaining User consent may hinder performance of such task.
  7. Where a separate personal information policy is shown for particular content, or where the User is linking to such content, that separate policy will prevail.
  8. The Company will endeavor to comply with laws, regulations, and other standards related to the handling of User personal information, and to continually review and revise this personal information protection policy.