CVD-SiC Ceramic Material

The unique SiC film formation technology by the CVD (chemical vapor deposition) method realizes low cost products while having high-quality characteristics.

China Advanced Ceramic Admap SiC products are made with unique CVD-SiC technology, which has been cultivated for over 30 years. These materials have the characteristics of ultra-high purity, high corrosion resistance, high oxidation resistance, high heat resistance, and high wear resistance.


  • Large-scale parts development for a high-temperature annealing device (boat, holder, nozzle)
  • Developed narrow-pitch film cassette boat
  • Ultra-high purity SiC powder material
  • Larger parts for next generation

CVD SiC example applications

SiC Physical Properties

Category (111) Oriented material Isotropic material
Density (g/cm3) 3.21 3.21
Bending strength, room temperature (MPa) 382 539
Tensile strength, room temperature (MPa) 294
Young’s modulus, room temperature (GPa) 478 447
Hardness HK : 3500
Thermal expansion coefficient, room temperature~1000°C (1/°C) 4.5 × 10-5 4.5 × 10-5
Heat conductivity, through-thickness direction (W/m o K) 264
Heat conductivity, surface direction (W/m o K) 280 236
Specific heat (J/g o K) 0.65 0.67
Specific resistance (Ω o cm) 104 ≤ ≤102

Impurity Concentration Based on Radiation Analysis (unit: ppb)

Na Co K Cu Zn Mn Fe Cr
<2 1.3 <60 <50 9 <9 35 26

Impurity Diffusion Coefficient (cm2 sec, at : 1300°C)

Element CVD-SiC Si
Fe 6.5 × 10-14 1 × 10-5
Co 1.3 × 10-13 3 × 10-5
Cr 6.3 × 10-14 5 × 10-6
Au 8.6 × 10-14 3 × 10-3

Corrosion Resistance*

Atmosphere Temperature Submersion time (h)
6N HCl Boiling point (110°C) 1470
9N HNO3 Boiling point (116°C) 1470
19N H2SO4 Boiling point (128°C) 1470
Hydrofluoric acid (49%HF) Room temperature 168
Fluonitric acid (17%HF+83%HNO3) Room temperature 532
Phosphoric acid (85%H3PO4) 160°C 168
Nitro-hydrochloric acid 80°C 186
Air 1500°C 146
HCL gas 1200°C 25

*Change in mass not observed

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