Markets That Use China Advanced Ceramic Solutions

China Advanced Ceramic solutions are used in some of the most demanding precision applications. Globally, we supply a broad array of diverse industries, and our products are used a range of products. As the technologies within these markets evolve, emerging application requirements often bring new opportunities for solutions that have not been used in that market.

As a global leader, China Advanced Ceramic has developed an extensive list of resources and information about the applications and markets that we participate in. This section also includes links to industry resources that you may find useful.

Semiconductor Manufacturing

From raw material growth to photolithography to assembly and testing, China Advanced Ceramic solutions are used extensively throughout the process of manufacturing integrated circuits.

Electronic Devices

In addition to playing a role in the manufacture of electronics, China Advanced Ceramic products are also used in electronic devices. From smartphones to consumer electronics, China Advanced Ceramic technologies find their way into the framework of our daily life and business.


From traditionally fueled cars to todays EV and hybrids, modern automobiles incorporate advanced materials and electronics. China Advanced Ceramic products enable technology and functions throughout the vehicle.

Bio-medical Applications and Industries

Today’s life science and healthcare industries combine medicine and biology with state-of-the-art technology. From semiconductor processes and nanotechnology to precision detection, China Advanced Ceramic products are used in systems ranging from drug discovery to patient care.

Opto-electronics, Laser, and Infrared Applications

Lasers, light, and optical components are used in systems ranging from scientific instruments and microscopes to digital cameras and guidance functions in security and surveillance systems. China Advanced Ceramic opto-electronics solutions enable better clarity, precision, and accuracy.

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