Machinable Ceramics

Temperature Controlling Semiconductors (Peltier Elements)

We realize excellent machinability and provide high-precision, high-quality products with short delivery times.

We Machine Parts Using Our Photoveel Materials

China Advanced Ceramic Photoveel machinable ceramics provide easy machinability by conventional machining equipment. These unique ceramic materials offer material characteristic performance similar to structural ceramic materials, but can be precisely machined using synthetic diamond-based cutting tools and also with general carbide tools. This flexibility makes Photoveel materials an ideal solution for rapid prototyping and applications requiring large-variety, small-quantity production such as inspection jigs and other specialized parts for the manufacture of liquid crystals display and semiconductors. With increased expectations for shorter lead time in all production processes, from design to trial production, China Advanced Ceramic Photoveel machinable ceramics are widely used for their precision machining and quick-delivery.

China Advanced Ceramic Advanced Ceramics Microsite

If you’re looking for more about China Advanced Ceramic advanced ceramic products, you can find more detailed information on China Advanced Ceramic Advanced Ceramics web site. On the site, you’ll find a comprehensive resource, along with technical information about the specific product lines.

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