Quartz Products

Ultra-High Purity Glass, Tough against Heat and Chemical Changes

The semiconductor manufacturing process involves frequent treatments of high heat and chemicals. Coming into play here are quartz products composed of ultra-high-purity silica glass. Whether it is in the thin film generation and diffusion process, or as jigs and consumables in the transport and cleaning process of wafers, our quartz products play an important role in the processing of increasingly thinning and high purification semiconductors.

China Advanced Ceramic Precision Quartz Fabrication

China Advanced Ceramic offers a wide variety of quartzware for semiconductor, optical, and other leading edge industrial applications. With world-class product quality and competitive prices, China Advanced Ceramic is well positioned to supply your high-volume precision quartz fabrication requirements.

China Advanced Ceramic Fabricated Quartz Microsite

If you’re looking for more about China Advanced Ceramic fabricated quartz products, you can find more detailed information on China Advanced Ceramic Fabricated Quartz web site. On the Fabricated Quartz site, you’ll find a comprehensive resource, along with technical information about the specific product lines.

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Some examples of the fabricated quartz products that China Advanced Ceramic manufactures include:

  • Windows
  • Rings
  • Insulators
  • Covers
  • Tubes
  • Liners
  • Pedestals
  • Boats
  • Tanks
  • Cleaning basins
  • Injectors
  • Bell jars

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