DBC & AMB Power Electronic Substrates

Temperature Controlling Semiconductors (Peltier Elements)

China Advanced Ceramic is the fastest growing, worldwide supplier of Direct Bond Copper (DBC) and Active Metal Brazed (AMB) Ceramic Substrates for power electronic applications. Our offering includes Active Metal Brazed (AMB) on Aluminum Nitride (AIN) or Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) and Direct Bond Copper (DBC) on Alumina or Aluminum Nitride (AIN).

Direct Bond Copper (DBC) and Active Metal Brazed (AMB) ceramic substrates from Prototype to Production

Generally, organic and metal substrates are used in the circuit boards of low-power home appliances and computers. However, for high-voltage, high-current applications like, power modules, solar inverters and motor controllers, ceramic substrate materials such as alumina, aluminum nitride and silicon nitride with better thermal properties are needed.

With our expansive manufacturing capability in Asia, local support and third party partnerships, China Advanced Ceramic is able to provide high quality support, no minimum order quantity, quick turnaround and a seamless path to low cost, high volume production.

Direct Bond Copper (DBC)

AlO DBC (ZTA) alumina

AlO DBC (Ag) alumina

AlO DBC (Au) alumina

AlO DBC alumina

DBC Product Characteristics

Active Metal Brazing (AMB)

SiN AMB (Au) Silicon nitride

SiN AMB (Cu) Silicon nitride

SiN AMB (Ni) Silicon nitride

SiN AMB Silicon nitride

AMB Product Characteristics

DBC Product Characteristics

DBC board performance Item Numerical value Unit
Maximum dimension 138*190 mm
Maximum effective area 127*178 mm
Pitch between resists In line with our design rules mm
Resist width +0.3/-0.2 mm
Peel strength >5 N/mm
Solderability >95% %
Shipping form Individual delivery/MC delivery
Surface condition Copper pattern/resist/Ni plating/
Ni gold plating/Silver plating
Alumina ZTA Component 90% Al / ZrO %
Thickness 0.32, 0.25 mm
Density 3.95 g/cm^3
Thermal conductivity 27 W/mk
Pile strength 600 W/mk
Relative permittivity 10.5 1 MHz
Dielectric loss 0.0003 1 MHz
Dielectric strength 20 kV/mm
Volume resistance 1*1014 Ωcm
Alumina Component 96% AlO %
Thickness 1.00, 0.89, 0.76, 0.63, 0.5, 0.38, 0.32, 0.25 mm
Density 3.73 g/cm^3
Thermal conductivity Twenty four W/mk
Pile strength 350 ~ 450 Mpa
Relative permittivity 9.8 1 MHz
Dielectric loss 0.0003 1 MHz
Dielectric strength 20 kV/mm
Volume resistance 1*1014 Ωcm
Copper Material Oxygen free copper %
Purity 99.99 %
Hardness 90 ~ 110 HV
Conductivity 58.6 MS/m
Thickness 0.40, 0.30, 0.25, 0.20, 0.127 mm

AMB Product Characteristics

AMB substrate performance Item Numerical value Unit
Maximum dimension 138*190 mm
Maximum effective area 127*178 mm
Pitch between resists In line with our design rules mm
Resist width +0.3/-0.2 mm
Peel strength >10 N/mm
Solderability >95% %
Shipping form Individual delivery/MC delivery
Surface condition Copper pattern/resist/Ni plating/
Ni gold plating/Silver plating
Silicon nitride Component 96% SiN %
Thickness 1.0, 0.63, 0.32, 0.25 mm
Density 3.22 g/cm^3
Thermal conductivity 90 W/mk
Pile strength 700 Mpa
Relative permittivity 8 1 MHz
Dielectric loss 0.001 1 MHz
Dielectric strength 20 kV/mm
Volume resistance 1*1014 Ωcm
Aluminum nitride Component 96% AlN %
Thickness 1.0, 0.63, 0.38, 0.25 mm
Density 3.3 g/cm^3
Thermal conductivity 170 W/mk
Pile strength 350 Mpa
Relative permittivity 9 1 MHz
Dielectric loss 0.0005 1 MHz
Dielectric strength 20 kV/mm
Volume resistance 1*1014 Ωcm
Copper Material Oxygen free copper
Purity 99.99 %
Hardness 60 ~ 110 HV
Conductivity 58.6 MS/m
Thickness 0.8, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.25, 0.2 mm

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