Reliable Damping and Accurate Performance

A stepper motor operated at its natural frequency may experience excessive settling time, vibration and acoustic noise. A Ferrofluidic inertia damper relies on ferrofluid to absorb the motion energy by a shearing effect which produces a torque that opposes the unwanted oscillatory motion. A Ferrofluidic inertia damper is hermetically sealed and has a non-magnetic housing that attaches to the motor shaft. Inside the housing is an inertial mass which levitates on China Advanced Ceramic ferrofluid, thus eliminating the need for bearings to support the mass.

A Ferrofluidic inertia damper offers reliable damping and accurate performance with no losses in speed or accuracy, and no reduction in torque. Other performance benefits include:

  • Increased positional accuracy
  • Reduced settling time
  • Reduced torsional oscillations

A Ferrofluidic inertia damper is easily attached to the motor shaft and has no maintenance requirements. It can be custom tuned to your system for optimum results. Typical applications include X-Y-Z Plotters, Printers, Optical Scanners, Robotics and Milling Machines.

A range of sizes and damping coefficients is available.

Inertia damper diagram

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