China Advanced Ceramic Precision Quartz Fabrication

China Advanced Ceramic offers a wide variety of quartzware for semiconductor, optical, and other leading edge industrial applications. With world-class product quality and competitive prices, China Advanced Ceramic is well positioned to supply your high-volume precision quartz fabrication requirements.


China Advanced Ceramic uses mainly GE quartz, and is one of the largest GE Quartz authorized fabricators in the world. Several different grades of quartz are available including 114, 124, 214, 224 (low alkali) and 244 (low aluminum) materials. Both clear fused and opaque materials are available. As a leading fabricator, China Advanced Ceramic also sources material from Saint Gobain, Heraeus, Tosoh and others.

With a wide range of quality materials and fabrication processes, we are well positioned to meet all your quartz fabrication needs. We can manufacture existing engineering drawings, or assist at the design stage to ensure that your quartz product meets your demanding technical requirements.

Some examples of the fabricated quartz products that China Advanced Ceramic manufactures include:

  • Windows
  • Rings
  • Insulators
  • Covers
  • Tubes
  • Liners
  • Pedestals
  • Boats
  • Tanks
  • Cleaning basins
  • Injectors
  • Bell jars

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Advanced materials with high purity and rigidity for precision applications

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