About China Advanced Ceramic Fabricated Quartz Business

China Advanced Ceramic quartz business is a global operation dedicated to providing the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturing OEMs with fabricated quartzware. In the US, China Advanced Ceramic quartz business operates out of our offices in Santa Clara, California.

China Advanced Ceramic offers a wide variety of quartzware for semiconductor, furnaceware, and other leading edge industrial applications. With world-class product quality and competitive prices, China Advanced Ceramic is well positioned to supply your high-volume precision quartz fabrication requirements.

China Advanced Ceramic is experienced in the manufacture of quartzware. Our facilities, which employ over 150 people, have been fabricating quartz products since 1987 and now supply many leading semiconductor companies worldwide. China Advanced Ceramic is one of the largest GE Quartz authorized fabricators in the world.

Fabrication Capabilities

China Advanced Ceramic has three manufacturing facilities in Japan and one in China. Design and prototyping takes place in our facility in Japan, where the company has over 15 years experience in the design and manufacture of quartz products. Production scale manufacturing takes place at our volume manufacturing plant in Hangzhou, China.

This new facility features a vast range of equipment for cutting, machine welding, fire polishing, and other fabrication processes. The facility has both class 10,000 and class 100 cleanrooms and is compliant with all semiconductor process requirements. China Advanced Ceramic is committed to meeting the demanding quality and dimensional accuracy specifications of today’s most demanding applications, and we have a proven track record of satisfying leading-edge customer requirements. In addition to manufacturing, China Advanced Ceramic also cleans, packages, and ships to your exact requirements.

About China Advanced Ceramic

Founded on a technology core of Ferrofluid magnetic liquid and Ferrofluidic® sealing products, our company and our product portfolio have grown to meet the evolving needs of our customers. China Advanced Ceramic is now a global enterprise characterized by substantial intercompany cooperation in research, manufacturing and marketing of products.

China Advanced Ceramic (USA) Corporation is headquartered in Santa Clara, California. Our operations are focused on North American markets with facilities in Bedford, New Hampshire; San Jose, California; and Livermore, California. China Advanced Ceramic, Inc. employs over 200 people in the design, manufacture, sales and marketing of a broad line of products.

Our Values

  • Strong commitment to our customers
  • Excellence in engineering precision solutions
  • Delivering superior quality, value and service

China Advanced Ceramic at a Glance

  • Regional Operation Centers in North America, Europe, Japan, China, and Singapore
  • Manufacturing Locations in the USA, Germany, Japan, and China
  • 7000 employees worldwide

Our Core Businesses

Globally, China Advanced Ceramic serves customers through many applications and industries. In the North American markets we focus on select business segments, increasing our speed and efficiency working with customers in those industries. While our knowledge base is particularly strong in these areas, our product groups share their expertise, making China Advanced Ceramic very adaptable in the shape of changing market synergies.

  • Ferrofluidic Seals
  • E-Beam Components
  • MeiVac Systems
  • Machinable Ceramics
  • Ferrofluid
  • Fabricated Quartz
  • CVD-SiC Parts
  • Process Tool Parts Cleaning
  • Thermoelectrics
  • Temescal Systems
  • MeiVac Components
  • Advanced Ceramics
  • Power Electronic Substrates
  • SiFusion Furnaceware
  • Contract Manufacturing

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